Urgent legal transcription needed?
Ubiqus’ daily transcript is the solution
Where you have a court hearing or tribunal and require the transcription urgently, Ubiqus can provide a team of our experienced reporters to produce a Daily Transcript i.e. a transcript for you on a same-day basis.
Our daily transcript teams will produce the transcript for as soon as possible after the hearing ends. The benefits are:
✓ The previous day’s proceedings can be reviewed.
✓ Those not in attendance, but involved in the hearing can be updated.
Ubiqus – Harry Counsell is located in London but our Daily Transcript teams are mobile and can attend any location in the UK.
- Required Information
Please provide the following information:
- Trial Dates
- Location
- Number of Parties
- Type of Hearing
If you require a transcript of your hearing, but not a Daily Transcript services, we are licensed by the Ministry of Justice to provide transcripts of Civil and Crown Court hearings via the conventional methods.
For civil transcripts, please click here.
For crown court transcripts, please click here.